
your marketing strategy

Today, in a highly competitive economy, there is an overabundance of supply. The customer has a wide range of similar products to satisfy his needs. Marketing is the management process for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. We will assist you in the creation of this strategy and in the choice of tools to deploy. We will accompany you in your decisions and options for the marketing plan and Marketing Mix.

Your choice of value is determined by your strategic marketing that will segment your market, determine your target customer and define its positioning. Once these points are defined, put your strategy in place by creating your new product, determining its price and its means of distribution. These points correspond to the creation of value. Finally, with the help of your sales force, promotion and advertising, you must communicate your value, make it known and attract your customers. It is clear that marketing is involved throughout this process of defining, creating and communicating value. Your marketing strategy must be defined before you create your product. Your business activities take place in the context defined by this strategy.

Developing a marketing strategy consists of 5 steps:
Analysis of the opportunities of your market (existing or to be created)
Targeting your customers
Positioning your offer
Determination of action plans (marketing mix)
Checking and reviewing your offer.

Your strategy should not be a succession of isolated decisions but a general one. It must determine the overall effort to achieve your goals. It should be described in the clearest, most precise and concise manner possible. Once the strategy is defined, we will create the positioning of your brand / product and accompany you in its deployment and communication.

Innovation and creativity

Today, innovation is an essential part of business development.

Throughout the innovation process, from training to creativity and innovation, to the elaboration of the concept or product, I accompany you as a consultant or by creating for you appropriate modules or trainings. In my experience, there is not only one way to be creative, but to get out of your comfort zone, to be disruptive, you must first feel very comfortable. That’s why I developed my teaching theory based on a serious but playful and entertaining experience. Actually teaching Management of innovation  in a MBA master degree in Foreign trade university in Viet Nam.


An essential step of your marketing. A product has personality, sensibility, values, life ...

Brand is one of the elements that sets us apart, defining our reputation. Brand values define us, in our expression of the brand in our customers perception of who we are. The definition of the brand profile allows a coherence throughout the life of the product and in its perception by the consumer. We will manage all the steps of the Brand definition and creation. From definition to identity and expression. “BRAND is the outward expression of the brand including its name, trademark, communications and visual appearance. The BRAND’S IDENTITY is its fundamental means of consumer recognition and symbolizes the brand’s differentiation from competitors.” Jean-Noël Kapferer

Employer Brand

The employer brand determines the power of seduction and mobilization from a company. the company's ability to attract, retain and develop its best human asset is a great competitive advantage. An organization that enjoys a high quality of human asset outperforms a company whose human assets is not so well organized.

The human asset now represents a central concept in the development of a company. This is where the employer brand comes in, in an attractive and faithful brand for the future employee or actual employee. The Promise made to current and future employees is the positioning which is reflected both in the quality of its work environment and in its management practices. The employer Brand determines the power of seduction and mobilization of a company. The employer mark influences in external: the intention and the decision to apply, for the recruitment and the psychological contract of the candidates in relation to the enterprise. In internal: the loyalty of employees, the involvement of employees, satisfaction and pride , motivation, behaviour.

We must value our employees as employees add value to our business.